Tampere Sarankulma Pellet-Fired Heating Plant

Steel Structures for Eesti Energia Tehnoloogiatööstuse AS

Islandi jalgpallihallide teraskonstruktsioonid


Islandile rajatud kahe jalgpallihalli, asukohaga Akranes’is ja Reydarfirdis, terasest kande- ja kattekonstruktsioonid sildeavaga 80 m on vastutusrikas ülesanne iseeneset .

Islandile projekteerides tuli lisaks arvestada kohalike väga suurte tuulekoormustega, mis seadsid hoone konstruktsioonidele tavalisest erinevaid koormusolukordi.

Ropka District Heating Plant in Tartu

Steel Structures for NordeCentrum Shopping Centre

Steel Structures for Haabersti Ice Arena

Steel Structures for Lasnamäe Sports Hall



Steel Structures for Yara PVC Hangars


4 hangars were produced all together.

Technical Pipe Bridges for Naantali CHP Power Plant


In spring 2016 Maru Metall AS and Maru THM OÜ signed an agreement to produce and install steel structures for a pipe bridge in Finland. The agreement covers about 95 T of manufacturing and installing steel constructions. In addition installation of wall elements, roof and windows.

Molde Gallery


Maru Metall AS signed an agreement in the winter of 2015 to produce and install steel constructions of a gallery in Norway. The gallery is built over a road and connects two separate buildings.

Turenki Heating Plant


In the beginning of the year 2014 AS Maru Metall and Maru Rakennus OY signed a contract to produce steel structures for a heating plant. The contract includes the production of about 80 t of steel structures, including ladders, handrails, grilles, steps, etc..
The building will be finished in 2014.