Warehouse hangars
PVC hangar is the most common type of an uninsulated warehouse. We offer standard, as well as custom designed warehouses. Based on the client’s wish we have also designed a rhomb-shaped warehouse (AS Malmerk, on Valdeku street in Tallinn).

Sports hangars
Uninsulated, as well as insulated training hangars, horse-riding arenas, BMX, etc., can be designed and manufactured in very different designs as a standard or custom solution.

Logistics centres
We designed and built a logistics centre in Muuga with a size of 18,000 m2 and with a double cover. This solution is around 30% more economical than a standard warehouse.

Production hangars with cranes
We recommend practical PVC hangars with cranes for our clients.

Hybrid hangars and custom solutions
Our very first hybrid hangar was a boiler house in Lihula, which was reconstructed in 2008. Half of the chip storage is an ordinary sheet metal solution and half is a bright PVC custom design provided with an overhead gantry crane.

Work is carried out by Maru AS
Maru AS
Järvevana tee 5,
10132 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone +372 650 8800
E-mail info@marurakennus.fi