Hybrid hangars and custom solutions
Our very first hybrid hangar was a boiler house in Lihula, which was reconstructed in 2008. Half of the chip storage is an ordinary sheet metal solution and half is a bright PVC custom design provided with an overhead gantry crane.
In case of a hybrid hangar all or some walls and if needed, even the roof, are made from stone tiles, light panel or any other easily available material.
Very often there is a need to load the building from the side and thus the “feet” commonly used in the structure of a hangar must be removed. Although this solution is more expensive, it gives the possibility to enhance the efficiency of logistics.
A PVC hangar accommodates nicely complex technology, as well as multi-story container-type office blocks.

Work is carried out by Maru AS
Maru AS
Järvevana tee 5,
10132 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone +372 650 8800
E-mail info@marurakennus.fi