Steel Structures and Staircases Delivery and Erection for the Extension Works for Three Local Elementary Schools

Reconstruction of Helsinki Olympic Stadium – Concrete Works of C, D, E, F Sections

Steel Erection and Cladding for Kalasatama REDI Urban Centre

Lilleküla Football Stadium Grandstands

The roof structures built for the stadium’s spectator grandstands along with their light-transmitting profile tiles are an example of the advantages of steel as a material in creating an airy and light-filled structure. The construction work was planned taking the football schedule into consideration, and the challenge was to get the spectators under cover for the right time.

Maru THM: erection of steel structures.

Cast-In-Place Concrete and Installation Works for Estonian Academy of Arts

Tallinna loomaaed

Tartu Füüsika Instituut

Põltsamaa Vocational School

Expansion of Pirita Rannahoone (additional storey)

Steel frame addition to an existing building

Islandi jalgpallihallide teraskonstruktsioonid


Islandile rajatud kahe jalgpallihalli, asukohaga Akranes’is ja Reydarfirdis, terasest kande- ja kattekonstruktsioonid sildeavaga 80 m on vastutusrikas ülesanne iseeneset .

Islandile projekteerides tuli lisaks arvestada kohalike väga suurte tuulekoormustega, mis seadsid hoone konstruktsioonidele tavalisest erinevaid koormusolukordi.

Viinistu Art Museum

Construction Works of Jõhvi Riigigümnaasium