
Carwash for Dafu Trans OÜ Other Buildings and Facilities

Nursing and senior home Villa Benita Other Buildings and Facilities

Rocca Al Mare Shopping Center Other Buildings and Facilities

Private: Extension Works for VW Center Other Buildings and Facilities

Canopie for Pekkaniska Oy Other Buildings and Facilities

Steel Beams Other Buildings and Facilities

Canopie for Railway Station in Vehkala Other Buildings and Facilities

PVC Hangar for Estonian Defense Forces PVC Hangars

Kaitseväe PVC hall PVC Hangars

PVC Hangar for Brenstol OÜ PVC Hangars

PVC Hangar for Unibox OÜ PVC Hangars

Steel Structures for Yara PVC Hangars PVC Hangars, Steel Structures

2 PVC Hangars PVC Hangars

40x100m PVC Hangar to Landskrona Sweden PVC Hangars

PVC Hangar PVC Hangars

PVC Hangar for Vaida Sawmill PVC Hangars

PVC Storage Hangars 15x80m PVC Hangars

PVC Hangar in Sauga 100x50x8,9 m PVC Hangars

PVC Hangar 40x69x8,1m in Kuopio PVC Hangars

Welded Beams for Kentmanni 6 Residential and Commercial Building Composite Columns and Beams, Welded Beams

Welded Beams for Viimsi Shopping Centre Commercial Buildings

Steel Structures for Rimi Shopping Center Commercial Buildings

Maru büroohoone Office and Administrative Buildings

Canopy Main Truss Sections for Estonian National Museum Educational, Recreational and Sports Buildings

Sikupilli Advertising Tower Bridges and Masts

Mobile Communications Mast Bridges and Masts

McDonalds Advertising Tower Bridges and Masts

Poultry Feed Plant Tower Bridges and Masts

Truss Bridge on the Alna River Bridges and Masts

Rocca Al Mare Beach Promenade Bridges and Masts

Venstøpbakken Pedestrian Bridge Bridges and Masts

Savonlinna Pedastrian Bridge Bridges and Masts

Högnas Substation Bridges and Masts

Tram Line Catenary Poles Bridges and Masts

Bridge in Imatra, Finland Bridges and Masts

Cable Bridges Bridges and Masts

Technical Pipe Bridges for Naantali CHP Power Plant Bridges and Masts, Conveyor Bridges and Galleries, Steel Structures

Bank of Estonia Gallery Architectural Glass Installations in Steel Frames

Molde Gallery Architectural Glass Installations in Steel Frames, Steel Structures

Conveyor Bridges for the Pietarisaari Coal-Fired Power Plant Conveyor Bridges and Galleries

Ship Loading Structures at the Port of Pori Conveyor Bridges and Galleries

Interim Mining Junction Mechanical Structures

Stacker bases for Talvivaara Mining Mechanical Structures

Crushing and Screening Conveyor Mechanical Structures

Ramp for the Pier at the Port of Helsinki Port Facilities

Industrial Building for Waste Handling Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Leppävirta Heating Plant Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Turenki Heating Plant Industrial and Warehouse Buildings, Steel Structures

Karlstad CHP Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

CHP plant in Oskarshamn Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Biomass Fired Steam Boiler Plant in Lahti Industrial and Warehouse Buildings, Steel Structures

Technomar & Adrem Office and Production Building Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Kruul Printing House Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Shop for Ehitus Service Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Muuga CT Warehouse Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Galv-Est Production Building Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Asva Warehouse and Office Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Map Eesti Warehouse and Office Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Valga Gomab Mööbel AS Finishing Hall Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

FEB AS Sales Center in Tallinn Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Printall AS Printing House Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Konesko Production Building and Office Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Estat Paber OÜ Production Building Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Production Building for Stora Enso Timber AS Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Expansion for Technomar AS Production Building Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Brick Factory Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Brewery Tanks Facility for Saku Brewery Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Poultry Feed Factory Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Steel Structures for Saku Suurhall Educational, Recreational and Sports Buildings, Wide-Span Constructions

Roof Structure for Multifunctional Arena Riga Educational, Recreational and Sports Buildings, Wide-Span Constructions

Aia str Residental Building with Commercial Premises Composite Columns and Beams, Welded Beams

Katterat Snow-Shelter Tunnel Composite Columns and Beams, Welded Beams

Tuupakka Substation Composite Columns and Beams, Welded Beams

Extension for Tallinn Airport Architectural Glass Installations in Steel Frames

Conveyor Bridges Conveyor Bridges and Galleries

Conveyor for Kohila Vineer Conveyor Bridges and Galleries

Pipe Warehouse for Oil Drilling Rigs Mechanical Structures

Ngodwana Platform Mechanical Structures

Smelter Details Mechanical Structures

Steel Structures of Flash Smelting Furnace Mechanical Structures

Smelting Plant in Norilsk, Russia Mechanical Structures

Conveyor Gallery and Bridge Structures for the Port of Pori Port Facilities

Ramp for the Pier at the Port of Heltermaa (1. wharf) Port Facilities

Ramp for the Pier at the Port of Heltermaa (4. wharf) Port Facilities

Gangway Steel Bridges to Barge Port Facilities

Service and Supporting Platforms Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Seinäjoki Bioboiler Building Reconstruction Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Production Building for Kodumaja AS Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

K-Rauta Shopping Centers (3 buildings) Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Production Plant Extension for Maru Metall AS Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Warehouse Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Military Support Facilities for North-Eastern Regional Defence Command Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Crushing and Screening Plant for Metso Minerals Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Mira Building Materials Dry Mix Plant Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Väo Combined Heat and Power Plant Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Eesti Energia Technology Industries Steel Structures Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Kyröskoski CHP Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

IRU CHP Plant Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Enefit-280 Slurry Building Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Joutseno Gasifier Building Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Toholampi CHP Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

200 m Tall Chimney for Eesti Energia Other Buildings and Facilities

LKAB WGC Plant Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

40 MW Pellet-fired Heating Plant in Turku, Finland Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Reactor Supports Industrial and Warehouse Buildings

Peurunka Icehall Steel Constructions Wide-Span Constructions

Gardemoen Conference Center Wide-Span Constructions

Roofs of the Grandstands at the Lilleküla Football Stadium Educational, Recreational and Sports Buildings