Delivery and Erection of Steel Structures for Technical Room

Dismantling and Reassembling of Evacuation Shaft

Steel Structures and Staircases Delivery and Erection for the Extension Works for Three Local Elementary Schools

Electrical Substation’s Masts Erection

Erection of Steel Structures for Eesti Traat Production Building

Renovation of Office Building in Otaniemi

Steel Erection and Cladding for Kalasatama REDI Urban Centre

Lilleküla Football Stadium Grandstands

The roof structures built for the stadium’s spectator grandstands along with their light-transmitting profile tiles are an example of the advantages of steel as a material in creating an airy and light-filled structure. The construction work was planned taking the football schedule into consideration, and the challenge was to get the spectators under cover for the right time.

Maru THM: erection of steel structures.

Iru Combined Heat and Power Plant

AS Maru Metall signed a contract with AS Merko Ehitus Eesti on 17th of August in 2011. According to the contract the biggest Waste to Energy plant in Baltics and the first in Estonia will be constructed. The contract includes manufacturing and erection of steel structures. Maru THM OÜ is responsible for erection works.

WTE Plant will be completed in 2013.

Kohila Vineeritehase konveieriliin

Temporary Offices for Hanhikivi-1 Nuclear Power Plant