Sompa tee 32 eramu


Madalakaldelise katusega kahekorruseline elamu.
Monoliitne r/b vundament.
Vahelaed r/b paneelidest.
Välis- ja siseseinte kandev osa moodustub tsementplokist.

Renovation of Apartment Building (Winner of Swedbank’s “Healthy and Economical Home” Competition)


The goal of Swedbank “Healthy and Economical Home” was to first time in Estonia, renovate an old apartment building in one construction phase, in order to set an example to
other housing corporations. The winner of the competition was the apartment building at Sõpruse pst. 244. Other entities involved in renovations were SA Kredex, Tallinn University of Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, city of Tallinn, Eesti Energia, Mesa Eesti etc.

Construction works included facade and roof insulation, awning and terrace renovation, exchanging the old wooden windows, reconstruction of the entire heating system, and heat recovery ventilation system. Humidifiers, temperature sensors, and additional heating meters were installed to the exterior of the house.

Renovation of Apartment Building at Tammsaare tee 71

Peterburi tee 64 kaubanduskeskus (Ehitus Service)

Rakvere Kroonikeskuse juurdeehitus


Vundamendi kirjeldus: monoliitne r/b
Karkassi kirjeldus: monteeritav r/b ja teraskonstruktsioon
Katusekandjate kirjeldus: teraskonstruktsioon
Seinakonstruktsioonide kirjeldus:r/b seinapaneel, sandwich-seinapaneel, klaasfassaad

BONUS kaubanduskeskuse kandekonstruktsioonid

Scania Eesti AS remondihalli ja pesula juurdeehitus


Projekteerimise ja ehituse peatöövõtt, Maru THM: karkassi paigaldus

Vundamendi kirjeldus: kannvundamendid (monteeritavad), seinte all lintvundamendid
Karkassi kirjeldus: teraskarkass
Katusekandjate kirjeldus: Zn-plekk, soojustatud villakatus, SBS kate
Seinakonstruktsioonide kirjeldus: Paroc paneel

Põltsamaa Selver

Extension to ISKU Office Building (7th Floor)

Office and Warehouse Building for GF Anapol

Klaasmerk AS Office Building

AS Frelok büroohoone