300 MW Power Plant of Eesti Energia. Turbine Hall and Other Structures. Verification and Certification of Project Documentation. Design and Modelling of Steel Joints. Erection and Workshop Drawings.

Customer: INCICO SpA
Location: Auvere küla, Vaivara vald, Ida-Virumaa
Description: Verification and certification detail design drawings and documentation of steel structures, civil works and secondary structures
Capacity: ca 3000 tons of steel structures
Projektijuht: Tambet Vähi

Työt ovat Maru Ehitus AS

Maru Ehitus AS

Järvevana tee 5,
10112 Tallinn, Eesti
Telefon: +372 657 5850
Faks: +372 657 5851
E-post: ehitus@marurakennus.fi