200 m Tall Chimney for Eesti Energia

Customer: Ferbeck Industrial Chimenys
Location: Narva, Estonia
Project manager: Mikk Helleste


AS Maru Metall signed a contract with Ferbeck Industrial Chimenys on the 17th of August in 2012 for manufacturing Eesti Energia the new 300MW power plant chimeny platforms. The contract includes the steel structure manufacturing and the scope of works are approximately 70 tons of steel structures including the ladders, handrails and gratings. The biggest challenge was the manufacturing of 1,7 meters welded beams.

Work is carried out by Maru Metall AS

Maru Metall AS

Järvevana tee 5,
10132 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 650 8820
Fax: +372 650 8821
E-mail: metall@marurakennus.fi